The wonderful world of steampunk has brought us a plethora of different devices and contraptions. If you are unfamiliar with this genre, it is basically a meeting between Victorian and science fiction. Modern technology meets old-fashioned style as it were.
That being said, you might wonder what video game equipment would look like. Thankfully we need wonder no longer as Sam Kurd aka B15SDM Designs has created an absolutely gorgeous Steampunk Fight Stick for our viewing pleasure. It’s not really anything special, but it would certainly be a conversation piece at home.
There’s actually a good chance that you will be able to purchase this thing at some point, but you will probably find it in the $400-$750 range. It is an extremely steep price, but with all the shiny new cogs, watches and buttons, it at least makes sense. Oh! This thing also lights up with LED s (which I doubt they’d even have in a steampunk Victorian era, but ah well why not?) and is encased in Plexiglass. It is far too expensive to justify owning one, but how cool would it be to play games on this thing?