Posts on the forums for Star Wars: The Old Republic have revealed that BioWare plans to extend the beta, and these extensions have already begin. Invites for “Beta Testing Weekend #2” have already started rolling out, so check your inboxes people.
Courtney Woods, Production Manager for the MMO, stated that, “Beta Testing Weekends for Star Wars: The Old Republic began earlier this month and during our first weekend, we invited more players into testing than we’ve ever invited before in a single weekend! Now we’re getting ready for another Beta Testing Weekend, starting on October 7th and finishing on October 11th. With increased invite numbers from the first weekend, even more of you will get to play The Old Republic.” These invites are the biggest batch sent thus far, as was confirmed by Community Manager Stephen Reid. These beta weekends are set to continue leading all the way up to the game’s release on December 20th.
So, in short, if you’re one of the saddened souls that didn’t make it into the first round of beta testing, you’ve been given a second chance. Be sure to check your email, as an invite could have slipped into the junk folder. For now, enjoy the second round of testing and remember, while you may not have wanted to ever be told the odds of making it into the beta, you’ve managed to beat them.