Posted by Raine Hutchens on Nov 16, 2011

Some Players Receiving Disc Read Error With Modern Warfare 3 On Xbox 360

As if the server and video issues weren’t enough, players out there are experiencing yet another problem with Modern Warfare 3 on the Xbox 360. According to a continuing thread on the Xbox official forums players are seeing a disc read error when they try and load up the game. This is becoming a frustration, and it’s easily seen across the thread.

Users are reporting that the problem continues to persist, even with new copies of the game. This means that they’ve went back to the store, exchanged the game for a brand new copy, and the system still refuses to read the disc. Right now the reports are unverified, but the thread is continuing through the Xbox forum and more players are being added to the ongoing list.

Activision hasn’t responded to the issue, though word has been sent for a comment. As soon as word comes down from the publisher we’ll release an update. In the mean time, has anyone out there gotten this error so far?


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