If you’re a fan of zombies and video game mashups then you’re in luck. ForgeHub user Cryptic Sin took his love for Resident Evil and merged it with his passion for Halo. The result? A fully recreated Forge version of the Spencer Mansion from the original Resident Evil game.
It took Sin almost a year to complete this magnificent creation, using the Forge world in Halo: Reach to bring his creation to life. It was no easy task, however, considering he could only use the building blocks offered to him in the futuristic world. The recreation is almost perfect, using the mansion from the Gamecube remake of the first Resident Evil game.
You can see a full walkthrough of the map in the video below. Not only is there a brand new map, but Cryptic Sin also took it upon himself to make special game modes specifically for his creative map. You can find links to these game modes on the Youtube channel for the video. After seeing this new map, what do you think?