Posted by Raine Hutchens on Feb 29, 2012

Double Fine Files A Trademark For ‘The Cave’

It wasn’t long ago that Double Fine ran a Kickstarter page for something they called the “Double Fine Adventure.” Not many details were lifted about the project, though now there may be some surfacing news that could help shed light on it. Double Fine just filed a trademark for something they call “The Cave,” which could be this very project.

Siliconera uncovered this trademark, and according to them it has been filed for “computer game software and video game software.” For exactly what, the site doesn’t tell, and it’s gotten our minds spinning. All we can gather at this point is that the timing is correct for this to actually be the Double Fine Adventure that the Kickstarter was raised for.

We’re still awaiting more detail on the matter, and as it comes we’ll update. Double Fine hasn’t said anything on the news just yet. Personally, I hope this isn’t a video game version of the movie, because that would be a travesty. Seriously, have you seen that film?


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