The time for World of Warcraft players to run through the land of Pandaria is drawing near. Blizzard is gearing up for the new expansion’s beta, and some invites are getting ready to fly across the waves to lucky players and fans alike. The developer is inviting Annual Pass holders, press, fansites, friends, and family along with opt-in beta testers to participate in the fun.
A FAQ posted on the expansion’s official page has all the answers to your burning beta questions, so there’s nothing to fear. If you’ve gotten an Annual Pass, invites will be sent out in droves over the course of the beta. All pass holders will receive an invite, and Blizzard wants to leave no one behind here. There are, however, some factors in selecting just who of these holders will get it the quickest, such as how long your account has been active, and when you signed up for the pass. You can check your email and account for your invite when it arrives.
For those who want to opt-in to the beta, you can do so from your account page. As long as you have an open account and at least one Blizzard game attached to it, you can opt-in on the Beta Profile page. You need to choose which franchises you’d be interested in helping to test, and run the System Check tool to add your PC’s specs to your profile. After all that, you just need to wait for an invite.
You’ll know you’re in when you get an email from Blizzard saying so. That being said, keep on the lookout for phishing scams and keyloggers. There’s no doubt that some people out there will want to take advantage of this news for malicious intent. You can learn how to properly identify your emails on the Security site. So, with all that out in the open, get ready to run through Pandaria very soon!