The time has come once again, and GamerFront is teaming up with the teams at both Applebee’s and Gamestop for another release party. This won’t be just any release party, however, this event will be for none other than Diablo III! That’s right, it’s time to save the world once again from the tight grip of Prime Evil. This time we’ve got a new set of heroes all with new skills we’re to put to use to fend off the forces of evil.
There will be plenty of release events taking place tonight, despite there being only one official event. Blizzard will be hosting their own event at a GameStop right in their backyard, while other retailers will be having their own events to celebrate the 12-year wait that’s coming to an end tonight at midnight. We’re going to join right up in the fun, and attend an event of our own.
This event will be held at the local Applebee’s here in Bloomington. Just like we’ve done in the past, there will be a party at the restaurant leading up to the release of the game. Applebee’s will be hosting half-price appetizers and drink specials which are all themed around the Diablo series. Players can bring in their laptops to mingle and play games, and GameStop is even carting in some Xbox 360 systems so players can check out Max Payne 3.
If you’re in the area, come on out and join the fun! We’ll be taking photos and conducting interviews during the event, so you don’t want to miss it. Diablo III will release as soon as the clock strikes midnight, and players who’ve been waiting years will be able to pick up their copies of the game. Tons of fans have pre-ordered the game, and there’s no doubt that very little sleep will be gotten tonight. If you’re planning on heading out to an event in your area, make sure to tell us what you’ve got in store! Check back here later this week to see highlights on our Diablo III release event.