David Cage is the founder of Quantic Dream, the development company behind the PS3-exclusive title Heavy Rain. He has come out of the dark, announcing that the developer plans to announce a brand new game at this year’s E3 2012 event. The reveal will take place next Monday, June 4th during the Sony press conference.
Heavy Rain was an amazing title. I have seldom seen any game as story-driven and emotionally intense as this one. From start to finish I felt myself becoming the characters that were portrayed in the game, and I got so involved at one point that I had to stop playing the game because I was so worked up. Quantic Dream has a habit of making intense games that stray away from the normal action/RPG/FPS games that you can find on any store shelf.
The developer hasn’t made any reveal on details yet, though we imagine it will follow a lot of the same features we’re used to seeing with their titles. Looking at both Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy, we’re expecting another title focused on gripping story elements and a game that’s very interactive. Cage did show some footage back at GDC 2012 earlier this year in something he calls the “Kara demo.” I’m excited to see what churns out at E3, especially since Cage will be attending with a reveal in-tow.