One of the good things that comes out of E3 is the vast amount of news that flows. However, that’s a bit of a double edged sword, because that vast amount of news tends to drown out anything that isn’t E3 related. Hence, that’s why you probably overlooked the news that came out of Firaxis and 2k Games this past week regarding Civilization V!
As you’re probably well aware, an expansion for Civilization V, called Gods & Kings is being released on June 19th of this month. In addition to bringing 9 new civilizations and religion into the world, the modding system for the game is being reworked to work with the Steam Workshop! And if you don’t want to get the new expansion pack, you’re in luck as the base game is being updated to work on the Steam Workshop as well!
Of course, having a one-stop shop for mods is great for a game like this. No longer will you have to muck about through websites, trying to find a download for a mod that won’t infect your computer with some nasty virus. Now, you’ll be able to just use Steam to get the mod that you want, quickly and painlessly. I know I’ll be taking advantage of it when it comes out on June 19th with the expansion pack!