I’m not that big into racing games, but when it comes down to it, I do have a favorite. Need For Speed: Most Wanted has to be my all-time favorite racing title. The customizations available to you are amazing, you can outrun cops, and even face down a helicopter if you’re not careful. Aside from that, the storyline wasn’t crap like with some other racing titles out there. I had the most fun with this game, and though they ported it to the Xbox 360, I still wanted to see more from it.
There have been other NFS titles that have arrived on consoles, such as Need For Speed: Shift, Need For Speed: Carbon, and Need For Speed: Undercover, but they just weren’t the same. I’ve been waiting a while to see a new title like Most Wanted release, and at this year’s E3 event, EA answered my call.
A reboot, if you will, of Need For Speed: Most Wanted was announced during EA’s press conference. The game retains the same title, but it offers you much more than you could imagine in a NFS game. You can jump in a car and start driving wherever you felt like. You can explore the city, race, and make the cops do some work for a change all from the seat of your tricked out ride. You can call some friends to meet up downtown for a street race, or simply get together to speed through the streets to cause a ruckus.
The entire game is open to your will. It’s a non-invasive title that lets you choose what you want to do, when you want to do it. The game offers the same style as the original Most Wanted, yet with a new flair that looks great on current consoles. Your cars will be your own, and if you get yourself into a bind, the game has you covered. There will be specific “jack points” in the game where you can park your car, swap into another parked ride, and take off, leaving the heat to die off your old car.
Need For Speed: Most Wanted looks like the title I’ve been waiting for, and many other fans agree. It’s got tight mechanics, includes signature cop chases, and is set to be a well-delivered racing title. If the storyline is anything like the original game, we’re in for one wild ride.