Okami originally released for the PS2, but was re-released as a Wii title to be bumped up to current-gen consoles. Capcom has just announced that the game will be making another re-release, this time in HD. Okami HD will be coming to the PS3 this fall and with it will come support for the PlayStation Move. Players will be able to grab the game as a downloadable title for $19.99.
In Okami, players take the role of Ameterasu, a white wolf that is said to be the reincarnation of the great god Shiranui. Ameterasu is known as the sun goddess and denizens of Kamiki Village plead for her to remove the curse that’s been cast upon their home. Players will make use of the Celestial Brush to perform combat attacks, add objects into the world, and much more. The game’s art style is very colorful and bright, which has gained the game a lot of notoriety.
Okami HD will add Trophies, but that’s about it for new features. The game will play out the same way as the other versions, though it will be totally remastered in HD. The only problem I’ve seen with this is that the trailer shows some scenes a bit more blurry than I remember them being on the original PS2 version. Then again, it could just be me. With the fluid art style and fast-paced gameplay, I can see where it may be a bit difficult to pump the game out in HD without some hiccups.