Last week, E3 left a bit to be desired in the eyes of gamers round the globe. Thankfully though, it had a lot of substance if you knew where to look. I was lucky enough to see a demo of the upcoming game put out by Ron Gilbert and Double Fine called The Cave.
This game was officially announced by Double Fine and Sega not too long ago, and no, it is NOT the Tim Schafer Kickstarter game. That game is still in its early stages of development as it only just received its funding a short while ago. The only reason I make mention of this is that people at the demo were asking, and I heard many others around the booth making similar comments.
This game is going to be side-scrolling adventure in which you are trying to make your way through a cave that wants to fulfill your hearts desires. You’ll have the option of picking three of seven different characters, all of which have their own personal story lines. The corresponding story line goes with an area in the cave that is only accessible whenever you have the correct character. The other characters you pick will be able to help along the way, but there will be obvious tasks laden with puzzles all around you.
Even though the cave is trying to fulfill your desires, you may not always get what you want. I won’t spoil things for you completely, but I will say that a knight doesn’t always have to have a princess to be a knight. This game will be available sometime early 2013, and will feature drop-in and drop-out three person multiplayer. You’ll be able to find this game on XBLA, PSN, and PC on launch day.