The eighteenth expansion for the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, Tomb of the Forgotten, is now available for your plundering. This new set brings even more to the table with new abilities, Heroes, and monster cards. This set wraps up the Aftermath block, and it’s jam-packed with cards to make your decks more deadly than before. Players can now take control of the mighty Tol’vir and unleash the powers of the ancient Tomb.
In this set you’ll find:
The three new loot cards included in the set offer players nice little rewards in the actual World of Warcraft MMO. Players can look forward to picking up the Sand Scarab pet, the Spurious Sarcophagus trinket, and finally the rare White Camel mount. With that stud you’ll be able to make everyone in Uldum jealous of your sweet ride.
An Epic Collection is available for this set as well as the ones before it. It will come with the same format as the others, in that it will include:
These Epic Collections make it easy to expand the collection you already have, as well as integrate new players into the game. Tomb of the Forgotten once again puts emphasis on Monster cards, introducing new Allies and Heroes to the game. Players can pick up Monster Heroes with the Priest, Rogue, and Paladin classes, as well as new dual-class Heroes. This is one of the better sets to release in the game, so you don’t want to miss out. It’s available now at game retail stores nationwide.