Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Jul 23, 2012

Get 4000 Microsoft Points For $40

I like keeping my eye out for deals on games and hardware, but there are some things that I enjoy seeing on sale more than others. Namely, things like Xbox Live Points. Any time these go on sale, it’s like getting free money when you buy them. Then you can buy whatever you want on the marketplace.

If you head over to Target’s website, you’ll be able to find a 4,000 point card for $39.99. That’s $10 off the regular price, which isn’t too shabby. The unfortunate part is that the offer isn’t good in stores, and shipping is about $5. Adding multiple cards to the order doesn’t add much to shipping costs, so that’s your best bet if you want to maximize your savings.

Deals like this are the only thing that benefits customers when it comes to Microsoft’s use of special points. I’d be more than happy to do away with these deals if it meant only spending the exact amount needed to purchase games and extra content. If earlier rumors are true, we might see that happen as early as next year.


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