A brand new demo for the upcoming Resident Evil 6 has hit Xbox Live today. If you’re a player who owns an Xbox 360 and a valid copy of Dragon’s Dogma, you will have access to the demo and can begin playing it after you download it. If you can’t get to it today, don’t worry. The demo will remain exclusive to the Xbox 360 for 2 months.
On the other hand, if you own a PS3 and its version of Dragon’s Dogma you haven’t been left out. The demo will go live on your system starting on September 4th in the US and Japan with Europe picking it up a day later. Though there are some questions as to why the Xbox 360 gets exclusive rights to release the demo early, though the entire franchise is set through Sony since the beginning, Capcom claims that there’s “a strategic business decision” behind their choice.
Resident Evil 6 looks like it’s making an honest attempt at taking the genre back to its roots. Fans have wanted to see more zombies and less “men with guns,” and Capcom looks to have brought that back with this next entry. Though I think the game is making a move that’s too far towards being action-oriented, I am excited to see how the story unfolds with RE6. If you don’t own a copy of Dragon’s Dogma already, this is plenty reason to get one.