Posted by Raine Hutchens on Jul 27, 2012

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Demo Goes Live At the End of July

The action-packed and fairly large demo for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron will arrive on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network on July 31st. That’s not too far away, though there’s plenty of time to get your gears greased and ready for mayhem. The demo will come with two full single-player missions, character customization, and competitive multiplayer.

Those of you who pre-ordered the game will be able to hop into the demo today, as your early access kicks in. Also, I hate you. Okay, not really, but I am jealous. Pre-ordering also doles out the G1 Retro Pack which includes extra cosmetic items for character customization, weapons that are taken right from the original animated series, and an awesome skin for Optimus Prime. He’s pretty much the only one that matters anyway.

PC players, you’re out of luck on this one. There hasn’t been any announced demo for the PC yet, but the full game will release on your platform alongside the console versions on August 21st. As soon as we hear of a demo, we’ll transmit it through to you.


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