Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Aug 2, 2012

EA Earnings Show That PC Sales Are Growing, While Consoles Are On The Decline

PC gaming is on the decline. This is something I’ve heard a lot over the last year, but I’ve had a hard time finding any evidence to support it. Now if only there were a major company that released games on all major platforms, and released their sales figures for each, so that we could compare them. Oh wait, that’s exactly what EA has done.

EA recently released their Q1 earnings report, and toward the bottom they listed a breakdown of net revenue by platform. And the results may or may not surprise you. Rather than making you scroll through the whole document (which can be found here), I’ve pasted the relevant info below.

Platform Net Revenue          
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 YOY %
    FY12 FY12 FY12 FY12 FY13 Change
Xbox 360 345 213 331 454 292 (15%)
PLAYSTATION 3 308 169 314 432 267 (13%)
Wii 42 35 49 20 8 (81%)
PlayStation 2 3 15 7 3 2 (33%)
  Total Consoles 698 432 701 909 569 (18%)
Mobile 57 55 70 87 69 21%
PlayStation Handhelds 11 17 14 6 10 (9%)
Nintendo Handhelds 8 7 15 5 9 13%
  Total Mobile and Handhelds 76 79 99 98 88 16%
PC 205 178 214 334 276 35%
Other 20 26 47 27 22 10%
  Total GAAP Net Revenue 999 715 1061 1368 955 (4%)

As you can see, PC sales sit just below the Xbox 360, and a little above the PS3. That’s right, PC game sales currently pull in more revenue for EA than the PS3 sales. But that’s not the most interesting part. If you compare Q1 of last year and this year, you’ll get the year over year change, which is the last column. All three major consoles have lost money (81% decline to the Wii, ouch), but PC sales have risen by a whopping 35%.

It’s really difficult to speculate as to why the numbers fall the way they do. One of the easiest things to point to is the fact that all of the consoles are due for a refresh, and the market knows it. Of course, that would only account for the decline in console sales. It’ll be interesting to see how the next year’s sales figures look, to see if PC sales continue to increase. Dispose your broken PCs at https://www.gigacycle.co.uk.


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