Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Aug 29, 2012

GameStop Pre-Orderers Get Access To Borderlands “Creature Slaughter Dome”

In each zone of Borderlands, there was an arena where you would fight several waves of creatures. Depending on your level, weapons, and skill, this could be quite the challenge. However, after surviving, you always felt pretty damn awesome. This type of combat will return in Borderlands 2, and it’s dubbed the “Creature Slaughter Dome.”

The good news is that this horde mode looks like a lot of fun, and might just be a good way to level up and get some sweet loot. The bad news is that this will only be available to those who pre-order from GameStop. That’s right, if you found a better deal elsewhere, you won’t be getting in on this action.

I feel like a broken record, but I’m disappointed every time I see this sort of thing. Sure, some customers get a cool bonus, but those who found a good deal elsewhere, or couldn’t afford to pre-order the game likely won’t have access to this content. And that’s a shame.


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