Over on the Portal 2 blog we’re encouraged to sit down – and it’s for good reason. Valve has announced that Portal 2’s Perpetual Testing Initiative will be adding co-op so that players can create crazy insane tests for two.Two players can come together and create testing rooms that will boggle two minds at once, maximizing the amount of testing available!
There’s also going to be a “Quick Play” feature added that will offer tons of fun. Players will be able to jump into this mode to run through a never-ending roulette of the best user-created maps. According to Valve themselves, “It has literally never been easier to figuratively jump in and literally play some Portal.”
Finally, for all users who already own the game on Steam, a 75% off coupon has been added to your inventory. This is so you can toss the coupon to a friend, or purchase a second copy of the game for someone else. What better way to celebrate the addition of co-op to the Testing Initiative? Now get out there and spin some companion cubes!