During this year’s Tokyo Game Show Capcom announced that Dragon’s Dogma would be seeing a “major expansion” next year. It’ll be titled Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen and it will hold tons of new content for the game. Right now it’ll hit both Xbox 360 and PS3 sometime in 2013, with no specifics yet.
Capcom has noted that more information about the expansion will be coming soon, but before that we’ll see Speedrun and Hard modes will be arriving for Dragon’s Dogma before this year’s end. Hard mode has increased difficulty though players earn better equipment as they progress through it. Speedrun urges players to beat the game as quickly as possible for some equipment rewards as well.
Though it hit a speed bump when released, Dragon’s Dogma has sold over one million copies across the world. Dark Arisen will no doubt help fuel the love for the game and give players even more to soak in. We first heard of new work on the game back in June, so this announcement isn’t too much of a surprise. Still, it’s a great way to start off a Friday.