For several years I was in a bit of a lull when it came to playing new video games. Sure, occasionally I’d find a good game that might keep my interest for awhile, but after a few days I’d be tired of it and go back to being bored on my overpowered computer. I thought for awhile that I was merely outgrowing the medium, that I didn’t feel like investing the time and energy into playing a game that might only frustrate me. It was at this moment that I discovered the Mass Effect series in the summer of 2011, and at that point I knew that it wasn’t so much me that was growing out of gaming, but rather I just wasn’t finding any good games to play.
In other words, the Mass Effect series is one of the best series to come out in gaming in a long, long time. And honestly, as far as I’m concerned anybody who loves sci-fi and a good story should go out and play it as soon as possible. Luckily, if you’re somebody who has yet to play the series and is intrigued by it you’ll be able to finally see what you’re missing out real soon. BioWare announced yesterday that they will be releasing the Mass Effect Trilogy Compilation on November 6th, for the cool, cool price of $59.99.
It should be noted that the compilation will be released on the Xbox 360 and the PC on that November 6th date. At this time they have not announced when the PS3 version will be out: after all, the original Mass Effect was not available on the PS3, so my guess is that BioWare will need to take some extra time to port the game to the system and get the character transfer process working correctly throughout all three games. Even if PS3 owners have to way I’m still quite glad that they’re going to get it, because as I’ve said before this is a series that everybody should enjoy, controversial endings or not!