Aftermath, the second to last bit of DLC to be released for Battlefield 3, will be released for Premium members on 11/27 for PS3 owners and 12/4 for PC and Xbox 360 owners, while non-Premium members will have to wait for 12/11 for the PS3 and 12/18 for the PC/Xbox 360. Set in a post-earthquake Tehran, Aftermath has plenty of content to keep you entertained. We’ve got a trailer for it on the bottom of the page!
Here’s what you need to know. Besides your usual new assignments, achievements, and dog tags you get 4 new maps that show just how destructive that earthquake truly was. There are three new vehicles that have been modified to “showcase ingenuity and firepower”. There’s even a new weapon, the crossbow, that’s designed to deliver a silent death to anybody unfortunate enough to be on the wrong end. My guess is though that it takes awhile to reload.
The biggest thing to come out of the DLC, however, is probably the Scavenger game mode. It’s an objective based Conquest mode where you’re only armed with a pistol and your knife and you need to find more powerful weapons in order to survive. In a way, this sounds a lot like a Hunger Games kind of mode!