This is it! It’s Halloween costume-grab time, and if you want to wear something amazing, you’d best finalize your plans asap. If you have the money to drop, and like Portal 2, then I have the perfect idea for you.
We’ve seen the Jumpsuit in the past, and while you can’t get your hands on the Full-Size Replica anymore, you can always go for the Miniature Portal Gun. It lights up, makes sounds, and costs much less than its larger kin. If you want to be the coolest parent ever, you can get this for your little gamer and gain brownie points.
Even if you don’t use if for a costume, this is a seriously awesome mantle piece that comes with a stand. For about $60, you will gain bragging rights and the full-color gift box that it comes in. If you want it for the 31st though, you’ll probably want to get it sent overnight.