Posted by Caitlyn Muncy on Oct 25, 2012

Skylanders Giants And Just Dance 4 Wii Bundle Hitting In November

Buying a console is something that you have to save up for. We have to satiate our lust for games on Steam sales, indie bundles, and bargain bins in between the big titles, so our wallets can’t exactly handle getting a whole new system and line of games on a regular basis.

If for some reason you got the itch to buy a Wii, then you’ll be happy to know that there are about to be some sweet bundles for the holiday season. You’ll be able to pick up a Wii with either Just Dance 4 or Skylanders Giants. This will start being in stores across North America beginning on November 4th.

The Just Dance 4 bundle will cost about $129.99 and have a white Wii with matching accessories. The Skylanders Giants will cost twenty more at $149.99, and comes with a blue console. Before you go thinking that no one is going to buy this, there’s a special edition Skylanders Giant that comes in the more expensive bundle. There are collectors out there, so you can bet your last buck that those things are going to sell.


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