If you’re one of the stupid people who decided to download and play Halo 4 before its release date and got yourself banned, you might be in some luck! Microsoft has now cut the price of its Xbox 360 holiday bundles by $50! That’s perfect for, well, the holidays!
This price cut isn’t limited to just one store, either. You can pick up the bundles from GameStop, Best Buy, Target, Kmart, or Amazon, and it won’t matter as it’ll be the same price! The different bundles have games like Forza 4, Kinect Adventures, Fable 3, and Halo: Reach, meaning that you can likely find the right bundle for whoever it is you’re buying it for.
At this time it’s not known as to when it’ll end, but guesses are that the price cut will be in place until January. The 250 GB standard bundle and 4 GB Kinect bundle is $250 dollars after the price cut, and the 250 GB Kinect bundle is $350. All in all, it’s a pretty decent deal, and with the extra $50 you can go ahead and put that towards another game!