Posted by Raine Hutchens on Nov 15, 2012

Bring Your Minecraft Creations To Life – Literally

So you’ve poured countless hours into crafting the perfect world in Minecraft. You’ve got sprawling castles, fortresses in the sky, massive water worlds filled with imaginative structures, and even a sweet little house all to yourself. It’s nice to be able to load up the game and explore what you’ve put together, but what if you could explore them in real life?

A company called Figureprints wants to do what they can to make that a reality. The company is known for recreating Xbox Live Avatars as well as World of Warcraft characters, and now they’re jumping into the world of Minecraft. It turns out that they can use their super awesome space-age alien technology to bring chunks of your Minecraft landscapes into physical form.

All you need to do is head to their website and download the Minecraft World Exporter program. Then you can send over chunks of your world to get printed for a price. Speaking of price, it’s not cheap, mind you. The more complex your creation the more dough you’ll need to spill to pick it up. That means you’d better start saving.


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