Posted by Chuck Corbin on Nov 30, 2012

Humble THQ Bundle Now Available Until December 13th!

As most of you are aware, THQ has been in some pretty dire financial straits lately. From the failure of the uDraw tablet, which led to its stock sinking so low that the company had to perform a reverse-split of said stock, THQ has just not had anything going for it. Fortune favors the bold, however, and THQ is definitely going bold in this latest venture.

You’re all heard of the Humble Bundle, where many developers (usually of the indie variety) will put a bunch of games up in one big bundle, and allow people to buy the game for any price that they want to pay. You can go for as little as 1 dollar to get many high quality games, but many people will go ahead and donate tens, hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. You’re even given the opprotunity to decide how your money is divided up between the developers, charities, and even the Humble Bundle people themselves. This time, THQ is getting in on the Humble Bundle bandwagon, with Child’s Play and the American Red Cross being the charities that will benefit from the Bundle’s sales.

So what’s in the Humble THQ Bundle? You’ll get 6 games if you donate at least $1: Darksiders, Metro 2033, Red Faction: Armageddon, and Company of Heroes with its two expansion packs, Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valor. You’ll also get 5 different soundtracks as well. If you donate more than the average price that people are donating at, you’ll also get Saints Row: The Third. All of the games require Steam, and unfortunately for our Mac and Linux friends this Humble Bundle is only available for Windows operating systems.  With that being said, though, this is really good deal, and if you’re looking for a cheap gift for a friend for Christmas, there’s even a gifting option! If you want to partake in the Humble Bundle, you can find it right here!

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