Many companies like to reward their employees who have stayed with them for many years. Some companies will give out gold pens. Others will present rings, or watches. Blizzard likes to present armor and weapons.
Executive art director Nick Carpenter unveiled during Blizzards annual Holiday Party the 20th year anniversary award, a beautiful helm based off of the angel’s armor of Diablo 3. It’s not known as to how many people will be receiving this award anytime soon, but considering how this award was just created, I’d say the number is very, very small. In fact, Nick Carpenter himself won’t actually get it until next year!
So what do the 5, 10, and 15 year employees get? The 5 year employees get swords, and the design changes every year. Ten year employees get a shield that looks like it comes straight from Lorderon. The 15 year employees get a special ring, which probably imbues some sort of special stat boost to the employee. No word on what 25 year employees will get, when they get to that point, but my guess is it’ll probably be a chest piece to help finish off the set or something.