When someone finally started producing a full-size replica of the Portal gun, there was much excitement to be had. In fact, it’s often out of stock, due to such high demand. While I can’t say that I wouldn’t be pleased to have one of those sitting on my shelf, there’s another physics-defying gun that I’ve been wanting for much longer.
I’m talking, of course, about the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator from Half-Life 2. I’ve spent countless hours carefully moving, and often hurtling objects with this unusual weapon. So when do I finally get to buy one of these for myself? The answer is actually Spring of 2013.
NECA has announced that they are working on a full-scale replica of the famous Gravity Gun that we’ve all grown to love. We’ve got a sneak peek of a prototype of the gun, though it will undoubtedly look rather different, once it goes on sale. Pre-orders will start soon, though we don’t yet know how much it will retail for.