Posted by Chuck Corbin on Dec 24, 2012

Nintendo Says To Update The Wii U Before Wrapping!

For many folks around the world the greatest day of the year is nearly upon us: Christmas! And with Christmas comes the fact that there’s going to be a ton of consoles underneath the Christmas tree, including Nintendo’s latest creation the Wii U. But as many of you are aware, the Wii U has a massive day-one update for the console, and as of this time that update isn’t being installed onto the consoles at the factory quite yet.

So what can you do? Nintendo has a solution: before wrapping up the Wii U, go ahead and take it out of the box and update the thing before Christmas. That way when your kids and loved ones open up the Wii U, they won’t be forced to wait a few hours for the update to take effect.

I’m not going to lie, while it’s disappointing that there’s such a large update that it makes you have to open the box first, it’s not a bad idea at all. For one, besides getting the update ready for the kids it also gives the parents a chance to set up the wireless and even set up accounts for the kids. Not only that, but let’s face it there are going to be a lot of people who for one reason or another won’t do this, meaning that Nintendo’s update servers are likely to be bombarded by countless Wii U’s looking for the update.


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