Posted by Chuck Corbin on Feb 26, 2013

PS3/PS4 Versions Of Diablo III To Not Require Always-On Internet Connection

As you most likely know by now, Diablo III will be coming out for the PS3 and PS4 later this year. It’ll be the first time Blizzard has developed anything for consoles since the ill-fated StarCraft: Ghost was cancelled. But, despite the fact that the game is being ported from the PC, there are going to be a few challenges.

After all, the PC version requires an always-on internet connection, even for single player. And despite the emphasis placed on social networks, the PS4 won’t be requiring such a connection, so what’s Blizzard to do? Should they take out the always-on internet connection and risk exposing it for the DRM measure that it is, or force console owners to be online always as well? Well, Blizzard has answered that tough little question: there will not be a need for a constant connection for the PS3 and PS4 versions of the game.

Of course, now that Blizzard has let the genie out of the bottle for the consoles, so to speak, will the PC version follow suit? After all, if the console versions of the game can look and feel just like the PC version, then what justification would Blizzard really have to keep the always-online requirement? While it’s certainly possible for them to work on such a patch, I’ve got a bad feeling that Activision-Blizzard would make the claim that the always-online is too deeply embedded to just patch out, and that it’s not worth the time to do it. Here’s hoping I’m wrong, but I wouldn’t bet on it.


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