Yesterday we ran a story where it appeared that the IPL6 eSports tournament had been cancelled. Though it had not been outright said, many sponsors had reported that they were getting inventory they had sent to the event back, while other folks had noted that the Korean qualifier event had been cancelled. It is confirmed now: IGN has cancelled the IPL6 tournament.
Originally the event was to be held from March 28th through the 31st in Las Vegas, at The Cosmopolitan. Luckily, everybody who bought tickets for the event will get their money back, and they will also be able to cancel their stay at The Cosmopolitan as well. However, this cancellation will have an effect on some people’s wallets.
After all, many people all over the country, and indeed the world, have bought plane tickets for the event, tickets that are in many cases nonrefundable. I can imagine that for some of those people they might just go ahead and take the trip anyway and spend a weekend in Vegas, but for others they may very well not be able to afford to tour Vegas once they get there. I imagine that there are going to be some very pissed off people who are stuck having to bite a several hundred dollar bullet, and just not use the ticket to get to Vegas.