Posted by Chuck Corbin on Aug 9, 2013

PS Plus Won’t Be Needed To Record, Stream PS4 Games

If you’re looking to pick up one of the new consoles this year, and want to get the most bang-for-your-buck, I would have to say that your best bet would be the PS4. After all, it’s $100 cheaper, the controllers have built-in batteries, and many of the features that Microsoft charges for via Xbox Live Gold Sony makes available for free. That includes the ability to record and stream games that you are playing on the PS4.

When many folks heard that Microsoft was going to charge for those features, they took to Twitter to ask Shuhei Yoshida of Sony if they were going to do anything similar. He only had to say one word to put people’s minds at ease: “no”. I have to say, I’m rather glad about that, even if I don’t plan on using those features very often.

Indeed, many of these policies for the PS4 are the same as on the PS3. You won’t need PS Plus for things like Netflix or Hulu, though this time around PS Plus will be required if you want to play online multiplayer. However, considering how PS Plus members get free, AAA-level games each and every month for as long as they have the service, you have to admit that the membership is worth it, and a much better deal than an Xbox Live Gold membership.


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