Posted by Caitlyn Muncy on Oct 18, 2013

Flower, FlOw, Sound Shapes, And Escape Plan Will Be On PS4

There’s always going to be that one game that just blows you away. It sticks out in your mind, and you could play it over and over again without ever tiring of it. Maybe it’s just a genre you are rather fond of, or a storyline that you can really relate to. For some though, a game that is both experiential and artistic can carry more weight than any shooter or RPG ever could.

Probably the best example of that is Journey, which was made by Thatgamecompany. While that is definitely an awe-inspiring game, they made others such as flOw and Flower as well. If you’re not wanting to buy these games on the PS3 as the PS4 is just about out, you’ll be pleased to know that these will be available on it and the Vita.

Flower, and another title named Sound Shapes will hit on the 15th of next month, but you’ll have to wait until the 29th for Flow. Escape Plan is quite a bit darker than these other games, but will also be available on PS4. These are all cross-buy games, meaning you only need to buy it once to play it on your Vita or PS4. Check out the video below to see what these games are like.


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