It’s always heartwarming to see a group of people working feverishly on a project they’re passionate about. Of course, when that project is a game that looks amazing, we’re even more hyped to see its progress. However, knowing the details of what the game is about would be useful before we go launching our money at the screen.
It’s called Raindrop, and it’s a surreal, environment-driven horror survival game that has tons of puzzles. In the game you’ll be scavenging for items that go into a size and weight specific inventory, looking for clues and schematics, and can find and customize vehicles. While you know there’s something to do with a light which means bad things for you, the enemy in this game isn’t really defined. They did go out of their way to make a point saying that you can go through the entire game without shooting anyone though, so maybe your enemy is other humans? Personally, I wish this was cleared up a little more, but it’s so pretty I don’t know if I care.
All of the development, art, and music for this game have come from Nihad Nasupovic and Max Ramirez. They’ve been hard at work for several years, but are looking to get things finished up. As it seems to be with most games these days, they turned to Kickstarter. They need $144K, and have a feasible amount of time to get the funding together. If you’re interested in lending a helping hand, and also getting a copy of the game, you’ll need to throw in at least $15. They have some pretty sweet backer tiers though, so you may feel inclined to toss a little more at it.