Well folks, it’s now November and for you folks with PlayStation Plus you know what that means! That’s right, it’s time for Sony to reveal the free games that they’ll be giving to members this month! And with the PS4 making it’s way this month, it’s an especially exciting month as it gets its first couple of free games to make up for the fact thatDriveClub has been pushed back until next year.
So what’s in store for PS+ members this month? For the PS3, you can expect to see 3 different games show up as the month goes on: Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, Ibb & obb, and Binary Domain. The Vita will be getting 2 free games, Oddworld: Strangers Wrath and Soul Sacrifice.
Since DriveClub won’t be ready for the PS4’s launch, Sony is instead putting in a couple of indie games that should help tide you over for a bit. First up is Resogun, an “intense fast-paced shoot em’ up” that looks to feature tons of destruction in a side-scrolling game reminiscent of what you would see in the ’80s. The PS4’s other game is Contrast, where you play as the imaginary friend of a little girl. By switching from the 3D world to the 2D “shadowscape”, you need to solve puzzles in order to help your friend investigate the secrets troubling her family. Both games look like they’ll be nice additions to the PS4 at launch, and should help you hold out as you’re waiting for more games to be released on the console.