 Currently Browsing: Announcements

Microsoft’s Answer To The Wii Fit: Xbox Fitness

Microsoft’s Answer To The Wii Fit: Xbox Fitness One of the biggest games on the Wii isn’t really a game at all, but rather it’s a workout program. Wii Fit has sold over 22 million copies since it was introduced back in 2007, and is giving people the world round a fun, easy-to-use system to work out and to track their progress. It’s no...
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Valve’s Third Announcement: The Steam Controller

Valve’s Third Announcement: The Steam Controller Normally, the announcement of a new controller isn’t any big deal. After all, they’re all the same thing, right? Two joystick, maybe a D-pad, roughly 4-6 buttons and a couple triggers? Well, with Valve, nothing is sacrosanct, including this tried-and-true design as they revealed their latest...
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EA Sports Cancels NCAA Football Games

EA Sports Cancels NCAA Football Games If you’re thinking of waiting until next year in order to replace your 5 year old copy of NCAA Football, you’re going to be in for a shock. Yesterday EA Sports made the announcement that they will no longer be making any College Football games. They cited ongoing litigation between players and...
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Rockstar Confirms GTA Online Microtransactions

Rockstar Confirms GTA Online Microtransactions Well, everybody’s worst dreams came true. After some troubling XML code was revealed earlier this week, Rockstar confirmed that GTA V‘s online portion, known as GTA Online, will have some microtransactions in the game. The microtransactions will be around only for you to buy in-game money, and...
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Valve’s Second Big Announcement This Week: Steam Machines

Valve’s Second Big Announcement This Week: Steam Machines On Monday Valve announced that in their bid to bring PC gaming into the living room they were going to be releasing a new Linux-based OS, simply called SteamOS. While a new OS is great, fact is a lot of folks aren’t going to be going out of their way to install a new OS just for their games. So...
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Taco Bell Launches Promotion To Win A PS4!

Taco Bell Launches Promotion To Win A PS4! If you’re wanting to get a PS4 this year, but missed out on picking up a pre-order, conventional wisdom would suggest that you’re not likely to get one this year. After all, the PS4 is proving to be one of the biggest releases of the year, with over a million systems pre-ordered, and fact is...
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Nintendo Reveals That FIFA 14 Legacy Edition Is The Same-Old Same-Old

Nintendo Reveals That FIFA 14 Legacy Edition Is The Same-Old Same-Old People give crap to yearly sports games for being the same year after year. After all, other than a few tweaks, many of those games seem to feature the same kind of gameplay it had last year, and what you’re essentially getting is an updated roster. However, Nintendo is calling out EA for its latest...
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Valve Announces New SteamOS

Valve Announces New SteamOS If you’re a PC gamer, chances are you’re using a Windows operating system. After all, the vast majority of PCs in the world use Windows, and most, if not all games are designed with Windows in mind. Your only other options are Mac and Linux, and quite frankly, neither are very good for gaming...
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