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Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Announced

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Announced There are some games from your youth that you’ll recall fondly with your friends, remembering the hours that you sank into them. You’ll talk of your exploits, accomplishments, and that one time you totally kicked someone’s ass in it. Marvel vs. Capcom would be one such title for me. For...
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Ms. Marvel Revealed for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

Ms. Marvel Revealed for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Marvel Ultimate Alliance is shaping up to be a truly star-studded game, with many of the greats making an appearance. Even Stan “The Man” Lee will be playable. Today it was announced that Ms. Marvel will be making her return to the game. Aside from her character model, not much else was announced. It...
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E3 2009 – Square Enix Announces Final Fantasy XIV

E3 2009 – Square Enix Announces Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy games have always been one of my favorite game series. Unfortunately waiting for the next game has become something of a past time as well. Square Enix tends to announce a game, and then have it in production for several years. After showing off some footage of FF XIII, we were shocked with...
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E3 2009 – Hideo Kojima Announces Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker For PSP

E3 2009 – Hideo Kojima Announces Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker For PSP Metal Gear Solid has certainly been one of the best series to show up on the PlayStation platform, and today we got our first look at the next iteration. Solid Snake is back in action in a game set 10 years after MGS 3. Set during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Snake must once again sneak to save the world....
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E3 2009 – Sony Confirms PSP Go

E3 2009 – Sony Confirms PSP Go At today’s Sony press conference, they announced the latest version of their popular handheld console, the PSP Go. It was immediately stressed that this was not a true replacement for the current PSP-3000, but rather a device targeted at people living the digital lifestyle. These are the gamers like...
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Site Updates, And A Trip To E3

Site Updates, And A Trip To E3 I’m sure that you guys have noticed a bit of break in the news around here. Well we’ve been hard at work on something extra special. No there won’t be any cake, but throughout next week you will be seeing live coverage from E3. That’s right, we’re heading to LA! We still have...
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Duke Nukem Forever Developer Closes Its Doors

Duke Nukem Forever Developer Closes Its Doors Duke Nukem Forever has been the butt of so many jokes over the years that it’s hard to come up with something original. The game has been in development for 13 years and 3D realms has little more than a few screenshots and teasers to show for it. A solid release date has been impossible to pin down....
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Blizzard Opens Beta Registration For StarCraft II

Blizzard Opens Beta Registration For StarCraft II I don’t know what it is in the water over at Blizzard, but those guys know how to make games that stand the test of time. I still know people that play Diablo II and StarCraft on a semi-regular basis. Hell, it’s only been a year or two since the last time I hacked and slashed my way through the...
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