 Currently Browsing: Cons

Youmacon 2010 – Team Four Star Panel

Youmacon 2010 – Team Four Star Panel If you’ve never heard of Team Four Star, then I’d suggest going here and catching up. They’re a ragtag group of people who share a love for voice acting, comedy, and Dragonball Z. Together, they work on a series called DBZ Abridged, which parodies the original anime. For those of you that...
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The Costumes of Youmacon 2010

The Costumes of Youmacon 2010 As with any con, the costumes are one of the more prominent aspects of the show. Youmacon was no different. Don’t get me wrong, there were some great panels and lots to see in the Dealer Room and Artist Alley, but the costumes were everywhere. Here is but a taste of what there was to see. Also, all of...
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Youmacon 2010

Youmacon 2010 If you didn’t make it out to Youmacon this year, plan your calendar for next year now…no…right now, go do it. With an estimated 7-8,000 attendees expected, the convention staff was likely pleased (and extremely overwhelmed) when over 10,000 people showed up. Go on and make the DBZ joke, I’ll...
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Archon 2010

Archon 2010 Now before I even start, yes. I do in fact know that this is a week old, and I am going to be better at updating while at cons. Promise. ^^ About a week ago, some of the Gamerfront crew was found toddling around Archon. This annual event was in it’s 34th year, and is a sci-fi and fantasy based convention....
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But what do I wear?! – Cosplay.

But what do I wear?! – Cosplay. So you want to cosplay? Well, there are a lot of preliminary decisions that need to be made before you jump in with both feet. If you are going to cosplay, you will want to think of what character you will be. This is not limited to only anime and games, but if you want to be recognized, be mindful of what...
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Anime Crossroads 2010

Anime Crossroads 2010 This past weekend we had the pleasure of attending a cozy little con called Anime Crossroads. Now when I say cozy, I mean about 1200 people. Those aren’t the final numbers, but it is only in its second year, and that is a pretty good attendance as is. One of the big questions for attending a con of this...
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