 Currently Browsing: Hardware

Xbox One Supports 8 Controllers, PS4 Only 4

Xbox One Supports 8 Controllers, PS4 Only 4 According to the product notes for the Xbox One’s controller the system will be able to support up to 8 controllers connected to the system at once. This is a significant difference compared to the Xbox 360, which as most of you know could only support 4. But how does the PS4 compare? Well, turns out...
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External Storage Not Supported For Xbox One Launch

External Storage Not Supported For Xbox One Launch If you plan on filling up the Xbox One’s 500 GB hard drive at launch, well I might have some bad news for you. It turns out one of the Xbox One’s features, the ability to use an external hard drive for downloads and installations, won’t be available for use at launch. Microsoft’s...
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PS4 To Support Voice Commands And Facial Recognition With PS Camera

PS4 To Support Voice Commands And Facial Recognition With PS Camera You have to admit, despite the security concerns of putting camera in your living room that’s always watching, always waiting to hear a command from you, the Kinect is an impressive piece of hardware. After all, it’s able to differentiate between different people, and can remember who is who to...
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Nintendo Unveils Latest 3DS Model… The 2DS

Nintendo Unveils Latest 3DS Model… The 2DS Nintendo is no stranger to coming out with different versions of its handhelds. For starters, there was the Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, and the Game Boy Color. With the DS, you had the original, the DS Lite, and eventually the DSi. The 3DS is no stranger either, as there is an original and the XL version,...
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12 GB Flash Version Of PS3 Coming To North America

12 GB Flash Version Of PS3 Coming To North America If you’re looking to pick up a brand new PS3 but you don’t want to spend $270 on it, you’ll be glad to know that there’s a cheaper version coming state-side soon! According to leaks from Canadian store Future Shop, and Kmart of all places, it’s been all but confirmed that a 12...
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Microsoft Pulls A Second 180, Kinect Not Needed To Be Plugged In

Microsoft Pulls A Second 180, Kinect Not Needed To Be Plugged In When Microsoft announced that they were reversing some of the most controversial Xbox One policies, people for the most part were happy. However, it exposed Microsoft’s hypocrisy when they had originally said that the online connection was “necessary” for the system to work. By reversing...
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NVIDIA Happy With Shield’s Sales

NVIDIA Happy With Shield’s Sales Every year companies are producing new hardware in the hopes that it’ll become the next big thing. Most of the time, especially when a company releases hardware in an industry it’s not normally used to selling in (see: PS Vita, Oyua), the hardware ends up being a bit of a bust. Occasionally,...
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Bethesda Games Not Coming To Wii U Anytime Soon

Bethesda Games Not Coming To Wii U Anytime Soon With only around 3.6 million consoles sold since its debut in November 2012, the Wii U is not exactly getting any love. In fact, at this point it seems like many developers are abandoning ship, with announcements coming every day from developers that they’re not releasing games on the Wii U. Most of...
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