 Currently Browsing: Indie Games

Star Citizen Hits $60 Million Mark Thanks To Updates, New Ships

Star Citizen Hits $60 Million Mark Thanks To Updates, New Ships As we come up to the 2 year anniversary since the Kickstarter for Star Citizen ended, it’s pretty easy to see that the company developing the game, Cloud Imperium Games, is still going strong. After all, over 600k people have pumped out over $60 million in funding to help get this game developed! How...
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Star Citizen’s CitizenCon Starts Tonight!

Star Citizen’s CitizenCon Starts Tonight! If you know me, then you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of Chris Robert’s Star Citizen. Part of that has to do with the fact that I feel that there isn’t nearly enough large-scale space games, games that let you either be a combat pilot looking to take out your enemies in a rain of...
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Piranha Games Cancels Funding For Transverse A Month Early

Piranha Games Cancels Funding For Transverse A Month Early For years space flight/combat games have languished, with nothing but the odd-ball title coming out that generally would leave folks dissatisfied and were then quickly forgotten. It appeared that most folks just didn’t care to go out and fly in space, and were instead more interested in games like...
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Microsoft Buys Minecraft Developer Mojang For $2.5Bn

Microsoft Buys Minecraft Developer Mojang For $2.5Bn Last week we told you about the rumors surrounding the possible buyout of Mojang by Microsoft. Yesterday the company officially announced that the rumors were true, except for one tiny detail. Microsoft is paying $2.5 billion for the company, not the reported $2 billion. (That’s right, $500 million is...
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What To Expect In The Next Big Update For Star Citizen

What To Expect In The Next Big Update For Star Citizen It’s been a busy summer for Cloud Imperium Games, the developers of Star Citizen! Besides reaching the $52 million mark in donations for the game, CIG has also released the first bit of actual game play for backers in the form of the Arena Commander. Arena Commander is but a small snippet of the full...
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Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen Has Raised $34 Million!

Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen Has Raised $34 Million! If you’ve been following Chris Roberts and his pet project Star Citizen then you might know that the game has really been raising a lot of money lately. How much money, you might ask? Try over $34 million, all of it from donations from regular, everyday folks like you and me! By raising the $34...
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Chris Roberts Affirms That Star Citizen Won’t Be Dumbed Down For Consoles

Chris Roberts Affirms That Star Citizen Won’t Be Dumbed Down For Consoles One of the hottest games under development right now is Star Citizen, a space combat MMO game being developed for the PC. Just how popular is the game? Well right now it’s managed to bring in nearly $28 million on fan backing alone, and that number is only going to climb higher and higher as the game...
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Star Citizen Reaches $17 Million Goal, Well On Way To $18 Million

Star Citizen Reaches $17 Million Goal, Well On Way To $18 Million Star Citizen is a game being develop unlike any way we’ve ever seen before. Instead of going through investors and publishers to get the money to be developed, Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) has instead turned to the people to get funding. By doing this crowdsourcing route instead of using the usual...
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