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Josh Atkins Provides Some Insight To Fable III

Josh Atkins Provides Some Insight To Fable III Now I know a lot of you out there are still having trouble putting down Fable II, but avert your eyes just for a moment to gaze upon the enormousness that is Fable III! Yes, we all know that Fable III has been in the works for some time now, and Lionhead Studios is making it top priority to produce a sequel...
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Interview With Sandeep Parikh – GenCon Indy 2010

Interview With Sandeep Parikh – GenCon Indy 2010 By Chris Scott Barr GenCon Indy was this past weekend, which meant lots of gaming fun for everyone. The cast members from The Guild were also in attendance, and while partnered with OhGizmo, I was able to sit down and chat with Sandeep Parikh, who played Zaboo. We chatted about his role in the series, and...
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Dragon Age: Origins At Gen Con Indy

Dragon Age: Origins At Gen Con Indy Gen Con Indy doesn’t generally get the sort of media coverage that other gaming shows such as E3, PAX or Gamescom. The reason being that it focuses on more traditional forms of gaming, such as tabletop RPGs (think Dungeons & Dragons) or collectible card games (such as Magic the Gathering). Over...
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Interview With Pro Gamer Fatal1ty

Interview With Pro Gamer Fatal1ty I doubt that many of you haven’t heard the name Fatal1ty. Just as a refresher, this guy is the number-1 ranked gamer in the world, with not only a number of world championships under his belt, but his own successful company which supplies gamers with Fatal1ty-branded hardware. We were able to sit down...
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The disappointingly dull video interview with latest Lara Croft girl

The disappointingly dull video interview with latest Lara Croft girl Alright, let’s get one thing out of the way right now, Lara Croft is very much a sex symbol.  Watching the girl that plays her in action is not only cool, but for the male crowd and even some girls it’s hot.  Watching her talk for eight minutes, that’s just a bit dull.  Yes, she is very...
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Exclusive interview answers your burning Rock Band questions

Exclusive interview answers your burning Rock Band questions Rock Band launches in a matter of hours, and there are still some burning questions that everyone wants answered. Apathy and I had a unique opportunity to sit down with John Drake from Harmonix and ask a few of these. You’ll need to hit the jump for the full transcript. GF: Will all band members...
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