 Currently Browsing: Microsoft

Xbox One, PC Cross-Play “Makes A Lot Of Sense”

Xbox One, PC Cross-Play “Makes A Lot Of Sense” When it comes to video games each system is fundamentally locked down. Xbox 360 owners can only play with other 360 owners, PS3 folks can only play with other PS3 folks, and PC aficionados can only play with other PCs. Every so often, though, you’ll see a game try to break that trend and bridge the...
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Microsoft Attempts To Calm Fears Over Targeted Xbox One Advertising

Microsoft Attempts To Calm Fears Over Targeted Xbox One Advertising After rolling back their plans to make the console require an internet connection as well as limit the way it plays used games, the only major controversial issue left with the Xbox One in my opinion is the included Kinect. While it is no longer required to be plugged in in order for the console to work,...
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Microsoft Sutdios’ Head Didn’t See The “Xbone” Name Coming

Microsoft Sutdios’ Head Didn’t See The “Xbone” Name Coming Let’s be honest here folks, the first thing that popped up in many people’s mind when they heard the name “Xbox One” was just how pretentious the name was. The second thing many people realized, however, was the fact that the name “Xbox One” can be shortened down quite...
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Microsoft’s Answer To The Wii Fit: Xbox Fitness

Microsoft’s Answer To The Wii Fit: Xbox Fitness One of the biggest games on the Wii isn’t really a game at all, but rather it’s a workout program. Wii Fit has sold over 22 million copies since it was introduced back in 2007, and is giving people the world round a fun, easy-to-use system to work out and to track their progress. It’s no...
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Put The Xbox One On Its Side… At Your Own Risk

Put The Xbox One On Its Side… At Your Own Risk Putting a console on its side is something that’s been popular since the days of the PS2. And why not? After all, some folks might not have the room needed in the entertainment center to put their system flat, and have to figure out a way to make some room in it. If you’re hoping to swap out...
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Microsoft Buys Xbone.com Domain

Microsoft Buys Xbone.com Domain Ah, the Xbox One. It’s been a target for derision ever since it was announced, thanks in part to their original policies on used games and connectivity requirements. Of course, it didn’t help that it had a goofy name to begin with, one that could easily be shortened into… the...
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Microsoft Store Offering 360-to-One Game Upgrades For $10

Microsoft Store Offering 360-to-One Game Upgrades For $10 As great as a new console in November sounds, the fact is there are plenty of good games coming up before then. That leads to a dilemma: “do I buy a version of a game now for the Xbox 360, or do I wait until my Xbox One comes out?” Luckily, Microsoft, as well as other retailers, are letting you...
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Microsoft Reveals Xbox One Release Date. It Is…

Microsoft Reveals Xbox One Release Date. It Is… Last month some rumors were going around that the Xbox One’s release date was going to be a week earlier than the PS4’s. Indeed, it made sense: get an extra week or 2 to sell the console before the competition, and you’ll be likely to pick up a few folks who are planning on getting a new...
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