 Currently Browsing: Nintendo

Wii Surpasses 100 Million Units Sold While Wii U Languishes

Wii Surpasses 100 Million Units Sold While Wii U Languishes When it comes down to who the “winner” of the last console generation was, most people would probably say the Xbox 360. After all, the console has sold a ton of units, thanks in part to its strong game library (as well as the fact that many systems RROD’d…). But if you’re...
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Grab Your Club Nintendo Goodies, While You Still Can

Grab Your Club Nintendo Goodies, While You Still Can Bro, do you even Club Nintendo? I had to ask one of my friends this very question, earlier this evening. It was embarrassing for both of us and now we can’t look each other in the eye anymore. He doesn’t Club Nintendo, and he should. You should to. Now that I’m done with this little bit...
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Earthbound Finally Released On Wii U Virtual Console

Earthbound Finally Released On Wii U Virtual Console Earthbound is one of those games that while not a ton of people are aware of it, it has a cult following unlike anything I’ve seen. Fans have been making translations and ports of the SNES game and its sequel for years, and that’s unlikely to stop anytime soon. Thus, it wasn’t too...
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Nintendo Adds Save-Data Backup Feature To 3DS

Nintendo Adds Save-Data Backup Feature To 3DS Digital games are great and all that, but they can take up a lot of space, especially on handheld systems that may have at the very most 32 GB’s of space. Of course, there’s always the option of deleting a few games to make more room on the card, but that’s presented a bit of a problem for...
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No Cross-Platform Play For Wii U, 3DS Smash Bros [E3 2013]

No Cross-Platform Play For Wii U, 3DS Smash Bros [E3 2013] One of the most anticipated games for the Wii U and the 3DS is the new Super Smash Bros game. It’s pretty easy to see why, because ever since its first release on the N64 these games have just been plain fun! And hey, with the game being on the Wii U and the 3DS, you’d think Nintendo would have...
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Mega Man And Animal Crossing’s Villager Join Super Smash Bros. Wii U And 3DS

Mega Man And Animal Crossing’s Villager Join Super Smash Bros. Wii U And 3DS Since the N64, one of the most highly-anticipated titles for each of Nintendo’s consoles has been Super Smash Bros. The Wii U hasn’t been doing the best in terms of sales and reception, but if there is any game that will make fans bite the bullet and pick one up, it’s this one. Nintendo...
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Wii U Basic May Be Discontinued [Rumor]

Wii U Basic May Be Discontinued [Rumor] The Wii U was only the latest console to have multiple versions available at launch, where you had an 8 GB Basic version available in white, and a 32 GB Deluxe version available in black. It’s looking like your choices might become smaller, however, because according to an internal GameStop memo...
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Wii U Sales Skyrocket After Disappointing Xbox One Reveal

Wii U Sales Skyrocket After Disappointing Xbox One Reveal Microsoft hasn’t been having a good week, despite their recent unveiling of the Xbox One earlier this week.  Immediately after the conference, Sony’s stock jumped up over 9 percent, though some would argue that the reason for this isn’t entirely due to the Xbox One’s reveal....
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