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It’s Called MOBA, and I Suck At It

It’s Called MOBA, and I Suck At It League of Legends, DotA, and Heroes of Newerth -these are all examples of MOBA games, and while they are extremely fun to play, I suck at them. MOBA stands for multiplayer online battle arena, and games under this genre usually follow the same type of gameplay. You’ll choose a champion who will have a...
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All Minecraft Characters Are Genderless According To Notch

All Minecraft Characters Are Genderless According To Notch With all of the exploring and building that you can do in Minecraft, it’s easy to get lost in the game’s splendor. However, have you ever stopped to notice the fact that there aren’t any female characters (at least not without adding them in yourself)? What’s interesting is that this...
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7,000+ Game Collection Sells For $1.2 Million

7,000+ Game Collection Sells For $1.2 Million How big is your game collection? I’m not talking about your Steam library, just physical copies. Now, let’s narrow it down further by seeing how many games you have that are still in their original wrappings. For me, the number is a whopping two. One is autographed, and the other a joke. If I...
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The Tomb Raider Reboot, And Why This Lady Won’t Be Playing It

The Tomb Raider Reboot, And Why This Lady Won’t Be Playing It To say that I am disappointed in the developers of the new Tomb Raider reboot would be a severe understatement.  Their ballsy approach to advertising the game, as well as their almost desperate backtracking has nearly led to a broken nose from how hard I facepalmed in response to the above articles (Click...
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When Did Gaming Become A Coin Grab?

When Did Gaming Become A Coin Grab? I’ve been looking through some articles lately and checking up on the news and some of the things I’m seeing are bringing up a discussion I’ve wanted to talk about for a while now. I even visited an online casino website called 666Casino and read about the fun of online gambling, and it’s really...
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Chat With Resident Evil Star Milla Jovovich Later Today

Chat With Resident Evil Star Milla Jovovich Later Today How many times have you gotten to chat with a well-known movie star? Unless your job requires you to do so (or you’re a creepy celebrity stalker), it probably doesn’t happen too often. Well tomorrow, you might just get your chance to do so in a virtual setting. While we might not really care to...
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Indie All-Stars Bundle Has Gaming Roots

Indie All-Stars Bundle Has Gaming Roots We’ve seen a lot of indie bundles over the last year or two. Usually this means a group of semi-popular indie games packaged together at a price that you determine. If you pay more than the average person, that generally means you get a few more games kicked in as a token of gratitude. Well now it...
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Hottest Game Of The Year Only Available In North Korea!

Hottest Game Of The Year Only Available In North Korea! In what is possibly one of the greatest coups ever recorded, North Korea seems to have snagged the hottest game of the year and it’s only available inside the country. That’s right, I’m talking about North Korea Tractor Simulator! All joking aside, I find it interesting to see what a country like...
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