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Microsoft Confirms That Reputation Will Be Reset From Xbox 360 To Xbox One

Microsoft Confirms That Reputation Will Be Reset From Xbox 360 To Xbox One Fact is, sometimes people can suck, especially when you get stuck playing against them online. They might be trash talkers, spamming the chat room with their assertions about how they’re going to have their way with your mother, or they might just be backstabbers, being a hindrance (on purpose) to the...
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Xbox One Supports 8 Controllers, PS4 Only 4

Xbox One Supports 8 Controllers, PS4 Only 4 According to the product notes for the Xbox One’s controller the system will be able to support up to 8 controllers connected to the system at once. This is a significant difference compared to the Xbox 360, which as most of you know could only support 4. But how does the PS4 compare? Well, turns out...
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External Storage Not Supported For Xbox One Launch

External Storage Not Supported For Xbox One Launch If you plan on filling up the Xbox One’s 500 GB hard drive at launch, well I might have some bad news for you. It turns out one of the Xbox One’s features, the ability to use an external hard drive for downloads and installations, won’t be available for use at launch. Microsoft’s...
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Star Citizen Reaches $17 Million Goal, Well On Way To $18 Million

Star Citizen Reaches $17 Million Goal, Well On Way To $18 Million Star Citizen is a game being develop unlike any way we’ve ever seen before. Instead of going through investors and publishers to get the money to be developed, Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) has instead turned to the people to get funding. By doing this crowdsourcing route instead of using the usual...
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PS4 To Support Voice Commands And Facial Recognition With PS Camera

PS4 To Support Voice Commands And Facial Recognition With PS Camera You have to admit, despite the security concerns of putting camera in your living room that’s always watching, always waiting to hear a command from you, the Kinect is an impressive piece of hardware. After all, it’s able to differentiate between different people, and can remember who is who to...
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GTA V Official Trailer Launched, And $20 In Credit When You Pre-Order Through Microsoft

GTA V Official Trailer Launched, And $20 In Credit When You Pre-Order Through Microsoft Excited for Grand Theft Auto V? Well, we’ve got a couple of reasons for you to ramp up that excitement level to 11. First, take a look at the official trailer below. Sure, we’ve seen a few different trailers along the way, but this is the “official” launch trailer. Now, I’m sure...
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SimCity For Mac Owners Report Serious Issues At Launch

SimCity For Mac Owners Report Serious Issues At Launch If I said that the launch of SimCity back in spring was a bit rocky, that would probably be the understatement of the year. Even if you overlook the fact that EA and Maxis lied about the reason why the game needed a constant internet connection, there were thousands of people who experienced a variety of...
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Wii U Wind Waker Bundle Announced, Along With Wii U Price Cut

Wii U Wind Waker Bundle Announced, Along With Wii U Price Cut So, let’s be honest, the Wii U hasn’t exactly been flying off the shelves. While there’s no single cause to the system’s lackluster adoption rate, fact is if Nintendo continues to do nothing then the Wii U is going to utterly fail. Well, Nintendo doesn’t want that to happen, so...
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