 Currently Browsing: PS3

BioShock Infinite DLC Announced

BioShock Infinite DLC Announced If you were wondering about when you’d finally see some DLC for the ever-popular BioShock Infinite, well you’re in luck! Yesterday it was revealed that there will be 3 pieces of DLC for the game, which you can get for a discount if you buy the Season Pass. And unlike most DLC, this is stuff that...
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Assassin’s Creed 4 Multiplayer Won’t Include Naval Battles

Assassin’s Creed 4 Multiplayer Won’t Include Naval Battles I might not have played the Assassin’s Creed games, but I will admit that seeing the naval battles in AC3 was pretty cool. Of course, with the 4th game being set in the Caribbean it only makes sense that it would also features epic naval duels, as two (or more!) ships go at it in a battle on the high...
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Saints Row IV Refused Classification In Australia… Again

Saints Row IV Refused Classification In Australia… Again You would think that if a country was going to add an 18+ rating for games that they’d use it, but apparently that’s not the case in Australia. Last month the country’s classification board refused to give the game Saints Row IV a rating, due in part to what seems to be the...
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Deep Silver Announced Saints Row IV Season Pass

Deep Silver Announced Saints Row IV Season Pass So here’s some news that probably isn’t a shocker! Saints Row IV will be getting a season pass when it is released. However, unlike many season passes this one is actually somewhat affordable: only $9.99! So what all is in this season pass? First off, there will be two new mission packs to play,...
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Saints Row 4 To Be Re-Reviewed By Australian Classification Board

Saints Row 4 To Be Re-Reviewed By Australian Classification Board Despite the fact that Australia now has an ‘M’ equivalent rating for video games, it’s been made apparent that the country is still treating video games with kids gloves. Last month the country’s Classification Board “Refused Classification” onSaints Row IV due to its...
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‘Enter The Dominatrix’ To Be Saints Row IV’s First DLC

‘Enter The Dominatrix’ To Be Saints Row IV’s First DLC Enter the Dominatrix has had a troubled past with the Saints Row games. Originally it was to come out as an expansion forSaints Row: The Third last year, but when THQ started having major problems staying afloat that idea was pushed to the side. Then, it was announced that it was going to become a part...
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Namco Announced SoulCalibur 2 HD Online Remake

Namco Announced SoulCalibur 2 HD Online Remake One of the best fighting games to come out for the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube is SoulCalibur 2. That game had tons of characters and a multitude of stages, and on top of that it looked absolutely gorgeous. What’s more, the game had a different special character for each console: Gamecube had Legend of...
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NCAA Refuses To Renew Contract With EA

NCAA Refuses To Renew Contract With EA If you’re a fan of the NCAA Football series of games, prepare for some changes (though not of the gameplay-type). The NCAA has informed EA that they will not be renewing their contract with them for use of their name and logo. That meansNCAA Football 14 will be the last college football game to use...
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