 Currently Browsing: PS4

Activision Reporting Lower-Than-Normal Pre-Order Numbers For CoD: Ghosts

Activision Reporting Lower-Than-Normal Pre-Order Numbers For CoD: Ghosts People give the Call of Duty games a lot of crap, especially since over the last few years it’s essentially been the same iteration year after year. Despite the hate that the games sometime get, however, there remains the little fact that the CoD brand is one of the most popular game series of all...
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Wolfenstein: The New Order Has Been Delayed To 2014

Wolfenstein: The New Order Has Been Delayed To 2014 If you’ve been looking forward to killing some Nazis, I’m afraid I have some bad news. Bethesda announced that they are delaying Wolfenstein: The New Order to 2014. The game was originally slated to be released later this year. Bethesda VP of PR and Marketing Pete Hines explained to Polygon why...
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Assassin’s Creed 4 Multiplayer Won’t Include Naval Battles

Assassin’s Creed 4 Multiplayer Won’t Include Naval Battles I might not have played the Assassin’s Creed games, but I will admit that seeing the naval battles in AC3 was pretty cool. Of course, with the 4th game being set in the Caribbean it only makes sense that it would also features epic naval duels, as two (or more!) ships go at it in a battle on the high...
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Sony One-Ups Microsoft By Loaning Free PS4 Dev Kits To Indie Developers

Sony One-Ups Microsoft By Loaning Free PS4 Dev Kits To Indie Developers Yesterday we heard a bit of good news from Microsoft regarding indie developers. No longer were they going to be required to have a publisher, and indeed it also turned out that the Xbox One would be able to function as a dev kit in its own right. Considering the fact that dev kits usually go for a few...
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Check Out The PS4 At Comic-Con!

Check Out The PS4 At Comic-Con! Right now, it’s honestly pretty easy to see that the PS4 is going to be a big winner this holiday season. After giving GameStop an “unlimited” amount of pre-orders available of the PS4, Sony had to actually shut down pre-orders again when that “unlimited” supply was exhausted....
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Sony Looks To Recapture The PSone Era With The PS4

Sony Looks To Recapture The PSone Era With The PS4 When you get down to it, the original PlayStation really was a special console. After all, with it being a brand new entry in the console race many different game companies were able to really branch out and explore new options for games that they would have been more hard-pressed to do on, say, the N64....
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GameStop Cuts Off PS4 Pre-Orders

GameStop Cuts Off PS4 Pre-Orders Well folks, I hope you got your pre-order in for the PS4 while you could. That’s because GameStop has revealed that they are no longer taking any more pre-orders of what is shaping up to be the big console of the year. This affects pre-orders for both the physical and online GameStop stores. Sony had...
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PS4’s Exciting Price Due To Straying From Microsoft Model

PS4’s Exciting Price Due To Straying From Microsoft Model It should come as no surprise that the PS4 is killing it in the popularity contest, between the way they kind of handed Microsoft their asses by NOT implementing tight-fisted DRM, but by also announcing the price of the console to be a whopping Benjamin less. While Microsoft has since eaten their own words...
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