 Currently Browsing: Retro

First New SNES Game To Be Released In Almost 15 Years – Nightmare Busters

First New SNES Game To Be Released In Almost 15 Years – Nightmare Busters When was the last time you bought a brand new game for your Super Nintendo? Sure, you might have picked up a sealed copy of Final Fantasy IV or something, but it’s been more than a decade since new games were produced for the system. Well prepare to dust off that old grey console, because...
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Atari Announces the $100,000 Pong Indie Developer Challenge

Atari Announces the $100,000 Pong Indie Developer Challenge Pong was one of the first arcade games that ever hit the market. With all those little beeps and boops, you might have thought that such a game couldn’t have been so intense. While it’s not exactly the most thrilling game by todays standards, it was certainly interesting enough to maintain...
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Mario Meets Aperture In Mari0

Mario Meets Aperture In Mari0 Who doesn’t love Mario, and every one would love to have a portal gun, so coming eventuall is Mari0. Mari0 is a  Super Mario Bros. esq game that involves a portal gun. I stumbled across it today and it looks pretty cool. While surfing the net I found a fun little video of Mari0. At first glance it looks...
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What If Life Were More Like A Video Game?

What If Life Were More Like A Video Game? You would think that just about everything had been thought of for the old arcade games. It turns out that there are always new surprises on the horizon with this Arcade game meets go-kart combo. If you remember playing those racing games such as Out Run in all of their archaic glory, you thought that it...
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Tetris Sticky Notes Are The Perfect Geeky Office Accessories

Tetris Sticky Notes Are The Perfect Geeky Office Accessories When I think back to the first games that I ever played, three come to mind. Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt were most certainly the first two. Tetris would be the third. I can still remember the day that we picked it up out of a bargain bin in Toys R’ Us. So naturally, I feel some sort of strong...
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SupaBoy Gives Handheld Power To Classics

SupaBoy Gives Handheld Power To Classics Ever wanted to play your classic SNES games while on the go? Now you can. How so, you make ask? Simple! Hyperkin has come out with a new hand held device they like to call, “SupaBoy”. The most interesting part of this little hand held game-boy wanna-be is the fact that it keeps to legal terms....
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The Alignment Chart, Explained By Gamers

The Alignment Chart, Explained By Gamers For any gamer out there who has ever delved into the world of Dungeons and Dragons or played any tabletop gaming, then this image is already speaking to you while you’re ROFLing. This is a modern gamer interpretation of the old-style character alignment chart. This image has been surfacing up around...
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Konami Brings X-Men Arcade To XBLA And PSN

Konami Brings X-Men Arcade To XBLA And PSN Arcades aren’t what they used to be, what with consoles being so readily available to everyone. Back in the 90’s, this wasn’t the case so much. Games like Final Fight, TMNT and X-Men ate many of my quarters during these times. The most frustrating part is that with many of the arcade games...
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