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E3 2009 – God of War III

E3 2009 – God of War III If you’re looking for some brutal action coming out of E3, look no further than God of War III. Earlier today we were able to record the first live demo of the game. I really don’t think the video quite does the graphics justice, but it does give you an idea of the gameplay. Be warned, this is...
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Duke Nukem Forever Footage Surfaces

Duke Nukem Forever Footage Surfaces We all know that Duke Nukem Forever developer 3D Realms shut down last week, but what exactly were they working on? Many people (myself included) have wondered if they’ve just really been screwing around these last dozen years. However, evidence has surfaced that proves to the contrary. The video...
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Dead Rising 2 Multiplayer Is Confirmed

Dead Rising 2 Multiplayer Is Confirmed There has been a bit of controversy surrounding the state of multiplayer action in Dead Rising 2. First there’s no mention of it, then a rep from mental mill (the middleware developer for the title) let it slip that it was indeed in the game. Shortly thereafter another mental mill rep tells us that...
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Check out Harley Quinn in the Batman: Arkham Asylum trailer

Check out Harley Quinn in the Batman: Arkham Asylum trailer Batman comics always have this way about creating villains that I wouldn’t mind succeeding in their evil plots every so often.  Probably one of the most well known is Harley Quinn in that department.  Purely because most would rather drool over her than actually beat her up.  Well this trailer for...
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Atari Releases Ghostbusters Trailer

Not too long ago we thought all hope was lost on the Ghostbusters game, it seemed as if it was never actually going to be released. Well now Atari has finally given us hope once again. They’ve released a trailer, which actually makes the game look like it might be worth picking up. At the end they...
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Fan-Made Mega Man Trailer Will Blow You Away

How many times have you watched a movie based off of a popular video game franchise, only to be rewarded with a steaming pile of crap? My guess is just about any time you’ve seen a Uwe Boll film. Sure, there have been a few good video game flicks here and there but rarely do I ever get too excited...
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And I Think To Myself, Super Mario World

Man, YouTube has to be one of the greatest things to hit the internet since Flash games were created. It gives people with way too much time and creative talent an outlet for their work. Granted, that’s not always a good thing, but sometimes you come across a gem like this. If Loius Armstrong wrote a...
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